
Day Eleven

Awoke a little late after a little of bit of last night´s festivities. No sign of Otobo or Conan. Eventually Joe and I paddle one of the canoes upstream to the main camp to see whats up--just as those are heading down in there canoe. Back at our camp we hear a motor in the distance and eventually a canoe filled with non-huaoranis and what appears to be a gringa floats past and heads to the main camp. As we have not seen outside visitors in our area, so this arrival was met with a little curiousity. We quickly headed up to get a peek at the visitors. Conan stated that they were probably here to talk with Otobo about ¨political stuff,¨ which could mean several things.
When we arrived at the family compound we discovered the newcomers to be a Huao woman, who was in charge of a Huaorani womens group, a Uruaguyan filmaker, who had recently been in Columbia, MO for a film festival, and a girl from Quito, who appeared to have a screw or two loose. Not that anyone around here is really operating with a set of finely tooled screws though.

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