
Tragic Loss

Came into town this morning after being away from email contact for a few days with the intention of notifying my family of Joe and I's pushed up departure date for this Tuesday into the Amazon. A phone call to my mother produced the information that close family friend Anthony "Doc" Porto passed away yesterday after suffering a heart attack. Most you reading this know Doc and are aware of such a tragic loss this is for everyone. My heart goes out to the Porto family as I know they are suffering.
I wish I could be there to pay my respects for the man that has been a close friend to me over the last few years. Doc was constant supporter of the idea of this trip and was one of the encouraging spirits that kept me motivated. An incredible man, whose character is known to all around KC. Wish I could write more about Doc's impact of my life, as it has been great, but I am still too shocked to think straight. He will truly be missed.
Not sure whats next as such devastating news on the eve of departure has left serious uncertainties.
Please keep the Portos in your thoughts.

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