
Dancing on the Margins

After another around of South American adventuring I found myself heading back to the States to reassure my family that indeed I am still alive and more importantly to be a participant in several friends weddings. Since I have been away the financial market has taken yet another dive, gas has continued to skyrocket, and most affecting me--airline fares have increased. In an attempt to not allow the airlines to stick me from behind, I opted for the cheapest and most foolishly indirect route. This decision turned what could have been a 6 hour trip into a marathon of mind-numbing transit: over 30 hours, gracing the soils (or at least airport carpeting) of Peru, Costa Rica, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa, and finally good ol' Kansas City.
While making this arduous trip, the uncultivated and dishelved look about me did myself no favors. I was THAT guy that everyone prays doesnt take the seat next to him. If I was harboring any doubts about how exactly I appeared to everyone else, they vanished quickly when I asked a seemingly innocent old woman in Miami what time it was and she shouted "No you cannot have my purse!" and ran off to summon the airport security. Not having fully re-assimilated socially and hygenically since the Amazon, I felt that my societal inadequacies just needed some tuning up. Then again, this has more or less been the preferred and convenient look since I started this expedition back in January. I have always seen something romantic in wayward and unrefined travel, but I was begining to wonder if I had fallen a little to far out there. Was the mercury on my respectability meter dipping below 0?
Who knows, who cares. Home with family and friends.

1 comment:

Michael Maynes said...

crap, that's a HUGE beard!