

I've been over here in the Republic of Ireland for over a week--seen alot, learned a bit, enjoyed it all. Upon arrival, I was put up by my friend Niamh Grogan's family in the northern suburb of Swords. Spent the next several days assimilating into Irish culture by developing a taste for stout beer, swearing up a fecking storm, and receiving an informal education on Irish history at the Grogan dinner table. Friend's Niamh G., Niamh D., and June have been doing a good job of showing me the ropes here in the Republic and I feel pretty comfortable in my new digs, although this is to change soon with my departure to Belfast this week.

Although a bit cost prohibitive, we have taken a few tours around Temble Bar and some other Dublin pubs. Made the mandatory tour of Guinness Brewery with Niamh's brother and a friend and while there interviewed by local TV. Made a bit of a fool of myself, but we negiotated a free round from the reporter so it was worth it.
After almost a week with the Grogan's, I traded families and moved in with the Delaney's, who live in Balbriggan. I am getting stuffed with great food and stories, which I will grudgingly leave when I head to Belfast.
Also, been slowly trying bring some normalcy back into my life. Literally shed a few pounds when I volunteered to be a haircut guinea pig, and received a free €60 cut at the Toni & Guy Saloon Academy. It took almost 2 hours to basically get myself a military cut, but hey, I'm pretty rich in time. Have also upgraded my wardrobe from the transient look to the local pauper look courtesy of some discount and thrift stores. This all in preparation for my new life in The North.

Heading up there on Wednesday to meet my friend June's dad, who supposedly is going to have me manage one of his restuarants there and some other miscellaneous tasks. I really hope this is the case, as my frequent sighting of Dublin's beggars wearing designer clothes has put a scary face onto this recession.
In Belfast, I will have my own apartment above the restuarant and probably a phone, so all can call and bother me. Will send the info on that when it comes.

In a bit of odd news here, the second night we were watching TV at the Grogan's house, an Irish travel channel did a special on Tom and Mariela's Lodge in Ecuador (can be seen by going here: The Lodge; and clicking on "No Frontiers: Quito--fast forwarded to the middle of it. Was also weird, because these friends were the ones who visited Petro and I while we were working at the Lodge. Then later on that same night, a show called "Tribal Wives" aired on the BBC, which was a special on the Huaorani. It was filmed in the village Bameno, which Joe and I visited for a few days during the our Amazon stay and showed some of Hauo that we were staying with there. It was a bit surreal to have my last year's major experiences broadcasted on TV. I Alhtough I wont start getting worried unless I see a special on bums hanging out at Syrian monastaries.

The inauguration hype has hit this island as well and I am posing as an ambassador of American goodwill tomorrow when I will be speaking about all things America to a few classes at the primary school Niamh teaches at. Those kids have no idea about the brainwashing they are going to receive. Will try and document some of it for you.

Your agent of progress,

PS. I broke down the blog posts into countries categories on the right side of the blog, for retro-reading with ease.

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