
Pics, Movies, and the Beach

Back in Quito after spending 3 nights on the nothern coastal town of Atacamas. Normally jammed with vacationers during the high season, the afro-latino town was tranquil and provided a good spot for R & R with the Schloegels. Once again, we found ourselves in the land of fresh seafood and trinket hawkers. To switch things up a bit one day, we used a contact we had procured at the cloud forest to go hand fishing in the mangroves in Bolivar, Ecuador. The only luck had was Jake snagging what seemed to be a rarely caught poisonous fish, which prompted his title to change amoung the guides from "the paying white man" to "the white devil who brings bad luck to our village." The fishing may have not been all that great but the 2 hour "scenic tour" we received via lawn chairs in the back of a pickup truck made up for it. Overall, trip brought out talent not formerly known--Jake had gained a proficiency for an interesting dialect of Spanglish and Debby, a knack for the art of a good haggle--a great success!---almost a great as success as Debby`s beloved KU Jayhawks, who clinched the National Title the day prior to thier arrival, making her week the best ever!*

*Authors note: In no way was I happy about KU winning, only a genuine happiness for the happiness of Debby.

All in all, the trip with the Schloegels was another one for the books--A big thanks to them for generously and undeservedly spoiling me rotten and providing an abundance of good times. Here`s some of the pics/movies of the 10 day jaunt--there's more in the linked photo album.

Not far from the cloud forest lodge is a series of waterfalls, which the locals present at the top of one told us we could jump off. They demonstrated this ability by throwing a rock in the water below and repeatedly reassuring "very deep" "very deep." We hit the bottom.

See below

Our incredible zip-line experience. Here`s Jake performing the Superman pose (thus fulfilling his childhood dream of flying).

More zip-line footage

Heading to the cloud forest lodge tomorrow to do some guest entertaining....we´ll see what transpires.

Business up front, party in the back,



Anonymous said...

Oye Brian y Petro,
Que pena que estuvimos en Quito los mismos dias (Lunes y Martes) y no me llamaron. I should have given the phone # where we were to your mom Brian.
I had never heard of the "Cloud Forest" but I enjoyed the pictures.
Did you get to see Otavalo or Cotacachi? We had a blast in that area when we were there. Have a safe trip and be careful in Columbia if it is on your tour list. Sure sounds like you both are having the trip of a lifetime.
Way to go. Mary LeFebvre

Anonymous said...

Dear Brian,

Several concerns here. First off, the fact that these owners are leaving their place in your charge makes me concerned about the Ecuadorian people and economy on many many levels. Second, I can't help but notice your locale's proximity to the jungles of Colombia. These owners can get a lot of business done in two weeks and I just don't want them bringing any of their guerrilla friends back to you. Lastly, if you're looking for a good icebreaker with the visitors, I say resort to our old favorite- two truths and a lie. I realize you've been playing that game for some time now so it should come naturally. -Un beso.

The World According to Zeke said...

Boys, you got one last night to get Schlack boozed up, in a bar fight and tattooed. I think something junglish, like a forest babe crawling towards his upper bicep covered in a simple loin cloth or a simple USAF across his back. Don't let us down.

Anonymous said...

Senor Bernino, We have arrived safely back in the USA and vicky and I are missing you and petro.Thanks for getting us off our rears and in to some crazy situations!!!! We loved every second of being with you two and I love the nod to my Jayhawks!
More beer headed your way check the explores club in soupton!
love and kisses,