
ALIVE!...but hardly sane.

After 5 weeks of hard living, Joe and I stepped out of the forest and back into "civilization." It was a testing of wills and endurances, where time-outs and exits were non-options. Periods of measured idleness peppered with bouts intense wonderment and nervous uncertainty ruled our lives within. The only way to tell this story is a through a delayed release of the journal I dutifully kept inside. I promise to try and divulge all details except the stories the counselor at my psych eval today told me were my "post-tramatic stress triggers," so I will not be able to discuss the three days I smeared butt mud on my face and hid in a tree or the day Joe systematically plucked out all his arm hairs and mumbled ¨the horror, the horror...,¨ but don´t worry, there is plenty more to tell.

I found myself in a realm of time irrevelancy and spatial infinity, which hardly deserves to be conveyed conventionally in daily journal-type writing but I can think of no other way. In addition to this mumbo jumbo I will be adding retrospective commentary on our lives inside. Maybe a day or two at a time, depending on how things go. Plenty of pics and movies to wet your lips too.

Just as I imagined, trying to make sense of this ordeal is turning my brain to (more) mush at the moment but bear with me and over the course of the next couple of weeks I will and try to spit out just what in the hell happened to us in there. Day One and maybe Two starts tomorrow.

Sleeping with a machete under my pillow,

Capt. Willard.

P.S. For those of you who would like to be more fully informed about the people who we were living amongst you can read Joe Kanes´s book "Savages" ( or watch the one of several movies and documentaries about them.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back My Favorite Son!!!!!!

I don't care what kind of mumbo jumbo you talk, I will still love you!

Your Favorite Mom

Unknown said...

Welcome home, Brian! My mom asked today "when you were coming out." I, of course, thought she meant coming out of the closet, but no, she meant out of the jungle. So glad to hear you are safe and ALIVE!

Unknown said...

God love ya...Tom and mariela said they were going in after you and I am so damn glad to hear you are alive and out (closet or no we are just glad you are out)
Ok so get your be hinny on home...can't believe how many times we thought about you...schlak was thinking about boating in for a visit
love ya,

Unknown said...

Brian! I am so glad you are alive- at least in order to party with you at the Kopp Lamos wedding. Can't wait to read your stories. I am sure you saw some funky stuff down there.

Enzminger said...

Ehh, Austin this weekend will be more of an adventure.

Glad to see all is well (on the surface).


Jeff said...

I didn't really understand any of your post...may want to check the time stamp on my post here, but I am think you have lost your mind.

Welcome back.


Anonymous said...

i guess my $300 to the FARC wasn't enough to take care of him....

Anonymous said...

Post those pics ASAP Q! By the way, the Predator can see you in that picture- you need to cover your body in mud so he can't sense your body heat.

-The Governator

Anonymous said...

you should go to antigua and be a bounty hunter and capture that honeymooner killer

Anonymous said...

do you have any idea what you put your mother through??? I have to admit your blog was a bit out there....
glad you're home! get some sleep.

Single in the City said...

that pic is awesome. you look like a crazed and almost insane movie star. keep the blogs coming. and when you come back to the states, stop and eat some cheeseburgers so you gain weight so your mom doesn't worry.
stacy p